RobotC Code

#pragma config(Hubs,  S1, HTMotor,  HTMotor,  HTServo,  none)
#pragma config(Sensor, S1,     ,               sensorI2CMuxController)
#pragma config(Sensor, S2,     gyro,           sensorI2CHiTechnicGyro)
#pragma config(Sensor, S3,     light,          sensorLightActive)
#pragma config(Sensor, S4,     sonar,          sensorSONAR)
#pragma config(Motor,  mtr_S1_C1_1,     rightMotor,    tmotorTetrix, PIDControl, encoder)
#pragma config(Motor,  mtr_S1_C1_2,     leftMotor,     tmotorTetrix, PIDControl, reversed, encoder)
#pragma config(Motor,  mtr_S1_C2_1,     liftMotor,     tmotorTetrix, openLoop, reversed)
#pragma config(Motor,  mtr_S1_C2_2,     armMotor,      tmotorTetrix, openLoop, reversed)
#pragma config(Servo,  srvo_S1_C3_1,    LeftHookServo,        tServoStandard)
#pragma config(Servo,  srvo_S1_C3_2,    RightHookServo,       tServoStandard)
#pragma config(Servo,  srvo_S1_C3_3,    GateServo,            tServoStandard)
#pragma config(Servo,  srvo_S1_C3_4,    servo4,               tServoNone)
#pragma config(Servo,  srvo_S1_C3_5,    servo5,               tServoNone)
#pragma config(Servo,  srvo_S1_C3_6,    servo6,               tServoNone)
//*!!Code automatically generated by 'ROBOTC' configuration wizard               !!*//

#pragma DebuggerWindows("Globals")
#pragma DebuggerWindows("Locals")
#pragma debuggerWindows("joystickSimple");

// FTC Team ID: 9246
// FTC Name: Cedarcrest Timberbots
// Robot configuration
// Physical Connection Key
//  [       A             ] [       B       ] [       C       ] [      USB      ]
//  [                     NXT Brick                                             ]
//  [       1             ] [       2       ] [       3       ] [       4       ]
//  [Tetrix Motor Ctl     ] [ HiTechnicGyro ] [ Active Light  ] [ Sonar         ]
//  [rightMotor, leftMotor]
//  [Tetrix Motor Ctl     ]
//  [liftMotor, armMotor  ]
//  [Tetrix Servo Ctl     ]
//  [LeftHookServo, RightHookServo, GateServo, empty, empty, empty]
// This code was developed by Team 9246 with advisor/coach Rob Hollis technical questions can be directed to
// Also, you may visit our blog at
// Basic Tele-Op template used from under Team Resources.  Game, Scoring, FAQ and other valuable resources can be found here.
// NOTE: For best visibility load this using an editor which DOES NOT wrap lines like ultra edit, notepad++, or of course RobotC
// First time config errors: If you don't have the motors and sensors setup according to the pragma above, and/or don't have the Platform Type configured correctly you may get errors:
// First Time Config Error Examples: Info is good, Warnings are OK but not good, Errors will stop compile and must be fixed.
// **Error**:Invalid '#pragma config(Hubs, ...)' syntax: "#pragma config(Hubs, ...)" requires IDE feature "External Motor/Servo Controllers" enabled
// **Info***:Include file 'C:\PROGRA~2\ROBOMA~1\ROBOTC~1.X\Includes\JoystickDriver.c' has already been opened.
// *Warning*:'enum' is anonymous declaration. The 'typedef' for 'TDriveType' has no impact!
// **Error**:Undefined variable 'rightMotor'. 'short' assumed.
// **Error**:Undefined variable 'leftMotor'. 'short' assumed.
// **Error**:Undefined variable 'LeftHookServo'. 'short' assumed.
// **Error**:Undefined variable 'RightHookServo'. 'short' assumed.
// **Error**:Undefined variable 'GateServo'. 'short' assumed.
// **Error**:Undefined variable 'armMotor'. 'short' assumed.
// **Error**:Undefined variable 'liftMotor'. 'short' assumed.
// To overcome First time config errors, Check the following in your RobotC compiler:
// Robot -> Platform Type -> Click to Check allowing Natural Language
// Robot -> Platform Type -> Click to Check allowing external controllers
// Normal error: *Warning*:'enum' is anonymous declaration. The 'typedef' for 'TDriveType' has no impact!  This should be a yellow X and does not stop the program from running
// I am open to and request anyone to be able to help me understand why this warns and how to clear the warning without decreasing functionality of the code. Direct comments to

// Robot functional overview.
// Drivetrain: This is used on a frame with 3 wheels chain drive to one motor per side (left and right).
// Drive Styles: The robot code can be driven in tank or arcade mode selectable by pressing the Start --> button during runtime. (tones alert operator to current mode)
// Logarithmic Joystick scaling: Use of a Log table to scale joystick values to allow fine control at lower voltage levels
// Players: The code supports single or dual controller selectable by pressing the Back <-- button during runtime where in 2 Player mode
//          the second player controls the manipulators while player one controls the driving (tones alert operator to current mode)
// Arm: The robot has an arm which moves on an arc over its motor mount to pickup balls and when raised, deposits them into the hopper.
// Lift: The lift raises the hopper from load position to various heights from 8 inches to 60 inches by way of a motor running a lead screw which contracts the base of a scisor lift.
// Hopper: The hopper has a servo which operates a gate momentary open with default of shut.
// Tailhooks: The rear of the robot has two servos (Left and right) each which raise and lower to attach to the rolling goals to move them into scoring positions.
// IR Seeker: sensor is equipped but code is non-functional at this point
// Strategy:  In autonomous mode the robot should attempt to dislodge the kickstand by moving to 3 positions where the kickstand could be.
//            In Teleop mode the operators will attempt to:
//               1) Move the goals near the bottom of our ramp
//               2) Score into the goals until 45 seconds remain
//               3) Score into the high goal at 30 seconds
//               4) Move goals and robot onto ramp before game end
//                                                                                     [   scaleJoystick   ]
//                                                                                      ^^vv          ^^vv
//                                                                                     [Tank]       [Arcade]
//                                                                                      ^^             ^^      
// [Pragma Configs] -> [Includes] -> [Initialize Robot] -> [Main - w/ waitforstart and [   forever loop    ]] [Loop]
//                                                                                     ^-------------------------|

//                           Tele-Operation Mode Code Template
// This file contains a template for simplified creation of an tele-op program for an FTC
// competition.
// You need to customize two functions with code unique to your specific robot.

#include "JoystickDriver.c"  //Include file to "handle" the Bluetooth messages.

typedef enum
  kDriveTank     = 1,
  kDriveArcade   = 2
} TDriveType;

//                         scaleJoystick
// * Function to scale a joystick value using a logarithmic like scale with a dead
//   band at zero.
// * Most of the adjustment range is used for fine control over low power settings.
// * The extreme end of the range provide coarse control over high power.
// * Large dead band around center point.
// * Above makes it easier to control robot at slow speeds.

const bool bLogarithmicScale = true;
const int kMaximumPowerLevel = 100;  // Adjust to set max power level to be used.

int scaleJoystick(int &nJoy1, int nMaxValue = kMaximumPowerLevel)
// * This function scales the joystick settings to the appropriate range for
//   controlling a NXT motor.
// * Joystick values range from -128 to +127.
// * Speed/power settings for NXT motors range from -100 to +100
// * The physical range of motion of a joystick is quite small and it is sometimes
//   hard to control slow speeds. So another capability of this program to apply
//   a "logarithmic" scale to the joystick settings.
static const int nLogScale[17] = {0, 5, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 24, 30, 36, 43, 50, 60, 72, 85, 100, 100};
int nScaled;

nScaled = nJoy1;
if (bLogarithmicScale)
 nScaled /= 8;
 if (nScaled >= 0)
   nScaled = nLogScale[nScaled];
   nScaled = - nLogScale[ - nScaled];
nScaled *= nMaxValue;
nScaled /= 100;
  return nScaled;

void SetMotors(int powLeft, int powRight)
  motor[rightMotor] =  powRight;
  motor[leftMotor]  =  powLeft;

// Tank mode uses both left and right joysticks to drive the robot.
void Tank(int y1, int y2)
int powLeft;
int powRight;
powLeft  = scaleJoystick(y1);   // Left  hand joystick, y value.
powRight = scaleJoystick(y2);   // Right hand joystick, y value.
SetMotors(powLeft, powRight);

//Arcade Mode uses one stick to control forward back, and directional control by Adjusting motors using math from single joystick X,Y values
void Arcade(int x, int y) // make joystick arcade style controller
  int powY;
  int powRightMotor;
  int powLeftMotor;

  // convert joystick -128 to 127 range to -100 to 100 for powering motors
  powY = scaleJoystick(y); // joystick y axis gives maximum power level
                            // reversed for a turn

  if (x < 0) //  if x negative, turning left; otherwise, turning right
    powLeftMotor  = (powY * (128 + (2 * x))/128); // left motor reduced for right turn
    powRightMotor = powY;                         // right motor not changed
    powRightMotor = (powY * (128 - (2 * x))/128); // right motor reduced for left turn
    powLeftMotor  = powY;                         // left motor not changed

  SetMotors(powLeftMotor, powRightMotor);

//                                    initializeRobot
// * Prior to the start of tele-op mode, you may want to perform some initialization on your robot
//   and the variables within your program.
// * In most cases, you may not have to add any code to this function and it will remain "empty".

void initializeRobot()
  // Place code here to sinitialize servos to starting positions.
  // Sensors are automatically configured and setup by ROBOTC. They may need a brief time to stabilize.

  //motor[servoFingerA] = 75;     //...both hooks up
servo[LeftHookServo] = 0;  //Lift the left Tailhook up
servo[RightHookServo] = 250; //Lift the right Tailhook up
 servo[GateServo] = 20; //Close the gate to the 1230 o clock

//                                         Main Task
// The following is the main code for the tele-op robot operation. Customize as appropriate for
// your specific robot.
// Game controller / joystick information is sent periodically (about every 50 milliseconds) from
// the FMS (Field Management System) to the robot. Most tele-op programs will follow the following
// logic:
//   1. Loop forever repeating the following actions:
//   2. Get the latest game controller / joystick settings that have been received from the PC.
//   3. Perform appropriate actions based on the joystick + buttons settings. This is usually a
//      simple action:
//      *  Joystick values are usually directly translated into power levels for a motor or
//         position of a servo.
//      *  Buttons are usually used to start/stop a motor or cause a servo to move to a specific
//         position.
//   4. Repeat the loop.
// Your program needs to continuously loop because you need to continuously respond to changes in
// the game controller settings.
// At the end of the tele-op period, the FMS will autonmatically abort (stop) execution of the program.

task main()
{ //Open Task Main Loop
  int Players; //Set the program to have 1 player or 2 player operation  In 1 player, all inputs are from Joy1, in 2 Player, Joy1 drives, while Joy2 manipulates arm and lift
Players = 1;
int DriveStyle; //Set the program to have Tank or Arcade Drive.  Tank Drive each stick relates to a motor.  Arcade Drive both drive motors run from the Left Stick.
DriveStyle = 1; //1 is Tank Mode
//DriveStyle = 2; //2 is Arcade Mode
float redline;
redline = 0.4;
int threshold;
threshold = 10;

//Built-in Soundlist:

  //waitForStart();   // wait for start of tele-op phase

  while (true)
  { //Open While True Loop
 //                                                     //
 //      Add your robot specific tele-op code here.     //
 //                                                     //

    // Insert code to have servos and motors respond to joystick and button values.
    switch (DriveStyle)
      case kDriveTank:
        Tank(joystick.joy1_y1, joystick.joy1_y2);
      case kDriveArcade:
        Arcade(joystick.joy1_x2, joystick.joy1_y2); //right stick arcade control
        //Arcade(joystick.joy1_x1, joystick.joy1_y1); //left stick arcade control
    } //Close DriveStyle switch
    //Threshold for line tracking
 int threshold = 10;
 int y1;
 int y2;
 int x1;
 int x2;

    while(1 == 1) //Open while 1==1 Loop Forever
  //Get the Latest joystick values
 y1 = joystick.joy1_y1;
 y2 = joystick.joy1_y2;
 x1 = joystick.joy1_x1;
 x2 = joystick.joy1_x2;
 if(y1<= threshold) y1 = 0;
 if(y2<= threshold) y2 = 0;
 if(x1<= threshold) x1 = 0;
 if(x2<= threshold) x2 = 0;

 //When Pressing Start Switch DriveStyle
 if(DriveStyle == 1) //If currently in Tank Mode
  if(joy1Btn(10) == 1) //And Start --> is pressed
 DriveStyle = 2; //Switch to Arcade Mode
   } //Close Start Button Code
 } //Close Tank Mode DriveStyle
 else if(DriveStyle == 2) //If currently in Arcade Mode
  if(joy1Btn(10) == 1) //And Start --> is pressed
  DriveStyle = 1; //Switch to Tank Mode
 } //Close Start Button Code
 } //Close Arcade DriveStyle
 //When Back <-- is pressed, Switch Players - Toggle to allow multiple or single joysticks
 if(Players == 1)
  if(joy1Btn(9) == 1)  //If the Back <-- button is pressed
  Players = 2; //Set Players to 2
 } //Close toggle from 1 to 2 players
 else if(Players == 2)
  if(joy1Btn(9) == 1)  //If the Back <-- button is pressed
  Players = 1; //Set Players to 1
} //Close if back is pressed
 } // Close toggle from 2 to 1 player
  //Get the Latest joystick values after waiting following mode switch
 y1 = joystick.joy1_y1;
 y2 = joystick.joy1_y2;
 x1 = joystick.joy1_x1;
 x2 = joystick.joy1_x2;
 if(y1<= threshold) y1 = 0;
 if(y2<= threshold) y2 = 0;
 if(x1<= threshold) x1 = 0;
 if(x2<= threshold) x2 = 0;
  //Drive Motor Control  Drive motor control is always assumed to go to Controller 1,
 //                     Player numbers shifts manipulators from Con1 to Con2 and back.
      switch (DriveStyle) //Check the Drivestyle to determine how to handle the joystick inputs
      case kDriveTank: //In the case that the drivestyle is Tank Drive, send to the Tank subroutine
        Tank(joystick.joy1_y1, joystick.joy1_y2);

      case kDriveArcade: //In the case that the drivestyle is Arcade Drive, send the joystick values to the Arcade subroutine
        Arcade(joystick.joy1_x2, joystick.joy1_y2); //right stick arcade control -- use only 1 of these 2 statements
        //Arcade(joystick.joy1_x1, joystick.joy1_y1); //left stick arcade control-- use only 1 of these 2 statements
      } //Close the DriveStyle Switch
      //Manipulator Motor Control
      switch (Players) //Check the Number of players and if 1 Sets Gate, Tailhooks, Arm and Lift to first controller
      case 1: //If one player, then put drive and manipulator controls on Controller 1
  //Arm Motor Control
 if(joy1Btn(6) == 1)       // If button 6 (RB) is pressed...
  motor[armMotor] = 35;     // ...raise the arm.
 else if(joy1Btn(8) == 1)  // Else, if button 8 (RT) is pressed...
 motor[armMotor] = -35;    // ...lower the arm.
 else                      // Else (neither button is pressed)...
 motor[armMotor] = 0;      // ...stop the arm.
 //Lift Motor Control
 if(joy1Btn(5) == 1)       // If button 5 (LB) is pressed...
  motor[liftMotor] = 120;     //...raise the lift.
 else if(joy1Btn(7) == 1)  // Else, if button 7 (LT) is pressed...
  motor[liftMotor] = -100;    // ...lower the lift.
 else                      // Else (neither button is pressed)...
 motor[liftMotor] = 0;      // ...stop moving the lift.
 //TailHook Controls
 if(joy1Btn(4) == 1)       // If button 4 (Y) is pressed...
  //motor[servoFingerA] = 75;     //...both hooks up
 servo[LeftHookServo] = 0;
   servo[RightHookServo] = 250;
 else if(joy1Btn(3) == 1)  // Else, if button 3 (B) is pressed...Right
  servo[RightHookServo] = 10; //Right Hook Down
 else if (joy1Btn(1) == 1)//Folds down Jaws button 1 (X) is pressed...Left
  servo[LeftHookServo] = 190; //Left Hook Down
 //Gate Servo Control
   else if(joy1Btn(2) == 1)  // Else, if button 2 (A) is pressed...
servo[GateServo] = 190; //Open the Gate
     else if(joy1Btn(2) != 1)  // Else, if button 2 (A) is not pressed...
//servo[GateServo] = 70; //Close the gate to the 10 o clock
//servo[GateServo] = 60; //Close the gate to the 1030 o clock
    //servo[GateServo] = 50; //Close the gate to the 11 o clock
//servo[GateServo] = 40; //Close the gate to the 1130 o clock
//servo[GateServo] = 30; //Close the gate to the 1200 o clock
servo[GateServo] = 20; //Close the gate to the 1230 o clock
//servo[GateServo] = 10; //Close the gate to the 10 o clock
//servo[GateServo] = 0; //Close the gate to the 10 o clock
 break; //Close Case 1 Player

 case 2:  //Check the Number of players and if 2 Sets Gate, Tailhooks, Arm and Lift to second controller
 //Arm Motor Control
   if(joy2Btn(6) == 1)       // If button 6 (RB) is pressed...
  motor[armMotor] = 35;     // ...raise the arm.
 else if(joy2Btn(8) == 1)  // Else, if button 8 (RT) is pressed...
 motor[armMotor] = -35;    // ...lower the arm.
 else                      // Else (neither button is pressed)...
 motor[armMotor] = 0;      // ...stop the arm.
 //Lift Motor Control
 if(joy2Btn(5) == 1)       // If button 5 (LB) is pressed...
  motor[liftMotor] = 120;     // the Lift Raised.
 else if(joy2Btn(7) == 1)  // Else, if button 7 (LT) is pressed...
  motor[liftMotor] = -100;    // the Lift Lowered.
 else                      // Else (neither button is pressed)...
 motor[liftMotor] = 0;      // ...stop moving the Lift.
 //TailHook Controls
 if(joy2Btn(4) == 1)       // If button 4 (Y) is pressed...
  //motor[servoFingerA] = 75;     //...both hooks up
 servo[LeftHookServo] = 0;
 servo[RightHookServo] = 250;
 else if(joy2Btn(3) == 1)  // Else, if button 3 (B) is pressed...Right
  servo[RightHookServo] = 10; //Right Hook Down
 else if (joy2Btn(1) == 1)//Folds down Jaws button 1 (X) is pressed...Left
  servo[LeftHookServo] = 190; //Left Hook Down
 //Gate Servo Control
   else if(joy2Btn(2) == 1)  // Else, if button 2 (A) is pressed...
servo[GateServo] = 190; //Open the Gate
     else if(joy2Btn(2) != 1)  // Else, if button 2 (A) is not pressed...
//servo[GateServo] = 70; //Close the gate to the 10 o clock
//servo[GateServo] = 60; //Close the gate to the 1030 o clock
    //servo[GateServo] = 50; //Close the gate to the 11 o clock
//servo[GateServo] = 40; //Close the gate to the 1130 o clock
//servo[GateServo] = 30; //Close the gate to the 1200 o clock
servo[GateServo] = 20; //Close the gate to the 1230 o clock
//servo[GateServo] = 10; //Close the gate to the 10 o clock
//servo[GateServo] = 0; //Close the gate to the 10 o clock
 break; //Close Case 1 Player
 } //Close Player Switch
    } //Close while 1==1 Loop
} //Close While True Loop
} //Close Main

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